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Well, I am huffing right now, because I am frustrated with the Short Stories page. I know it's lengthwise and all, and I'm going to try to fix it. I haven't been successful so far, though, so please pray I'll get it all working. :)  (By the way, Lily, thanks for the attempts at fixing it. I doubt I'll be able too, especially if you couldn't, but hey, try, try again.)

I am thinking about creating another blog, but with a different theme than Blue Jasmine. Maybe. . .food? I cook a lot. Or. . .maybe just a blog about my personal life. Or. . .art, maybe, but I really have no time for that. So maybe a food blog. Hmm. . names, anyone? How about. . .Simply Food. And then under it, in smaller letters: A blog about what is both necessary and trivial: FOOD! Or: Simplicity made into delightful dishes. Or. . .Well, suggest some more titles and slogans in the Comments section. (C'mon, it doesn't take that long!)

That sounds cool. I'd still update Blue Jasmine though, you can be sure of that! I may not even do a Food blog, but hey, it sounds intriguing.

I'll think about it. Cy'all later.

Also~ The game below is pretty addicting, try it out!

Zane A.
8/14/2011 09:47:22 am

You should call your new blog SIMPLE COMPLEX!!



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